
{Happy Turkey Day!} South Fayette Family Portraiture

I am still coming out of my food coma from Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for this year (and every year) that I think the "coma" from the realization of all that I have to be thankful for is worse (or better) than the food-induced one.
Have I told you lately that I feel so blessed to have a "job" (aside from my #1 job--wife/mother) that affords me the opportunity to interact with such amazing families? I held back the full-family portrait in case they are waiting for a big "reveal" on their Holiday cards... but here are a few of their sweet little cuties. I'm sure they are counted as one of their parent's blessings...

Okay... so I had to include of the "furry" kids... it was just too cute!


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